Our Mission
The Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County is dedicated to the promotion of public awareness of the County’s Jewish heritage for the education and enjoyment of both children and adults. Its mission is to present exhibits, programs and publications that celebrate, preserve, explore and illustrate the rich and unique history of the Jewish residents of Monmouth County, New Jersey, and their contribution
to the community.
How We Work
The JHMOMC is a tax exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is handicapped accessible.
In 2017, the Museum has received funding which has been made possible in part by an operating support grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission, a Division of the Department of State, through grant funds administered by the Monmouth County Historical Commission.
In addition, we rely on YOU, our community members and patrons, to support the Museum's work by becoming Museum members (click here for the Membership tab) and donors (click here for the Donate/Support tab).
Your support is appreciated!
Our History
Situated midway between New York City and Philadelphia, Monmouth County attracted Jewish settlers as early as 1720. From the Freehold peddler to the Long Branch department store magnate…from the Howell Township chicken farm to the Jersey Homestead industrial and agricultural cooperative… from the Jewish “Newport” on the Jersey Shore
to the Cream Ridge Zionist pioneer camp, the story of the Monmouth County Jewish community is the story of American Jewish life.
Located in an old barn (circa 1800s) which was once part of the Levi Solomon farm, Bernard Hochberg has generously provided the space. The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey provided initial support.
2024 - 2025
Officers and Board of Trustees
President - Larry Gurman
Vice President - Marc Diament
Recording Secretary - Arlene Lutz
Corresponding Secretary - Alice Berman
Treasurer - Irene Herbin
Board of Trustees
Linda Burns
Helene Cohen
Carol Fox
Jeffrey Wolf