2024 Annual Appeal

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Dear Supporter,
It is with great joy and gratitude that the Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County is celebrating the Chai birthday of our beloved Museum! Over the past eighteen years, the Museum has served as a vital repository of our collective history, showcasing the beauty, resilience, and contributions of the Jewish community in Monmouth County. The Museum has become a testament to the strength of Jewish heritage through its exhibits, public programs for all ages, films, classes, concerts, and the preservation of collective memories through oral histories.
One of the cornerstones of our success has been building partnerships through relationships with synagogues, community groups, and individual community members.
This year, we are pleased to announce that we will have a special opportunity to maximize the impact of your generosity! Thanks to the generosity of Board President Larry Gurman and his wife Ina, and Board member Alice Berman, all donations will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $10,000. This means that every dollar you contribute will have double the impact!
Donations to the 2024 Annual Appeal will help secure the Museum’s finances this year, and give it a strong foundation for the year to come, as more exhibits, programs, and community engagement are planned.
As this fiscal year draws to a close on June 30th, we encourage you to consider donating an Annual Appeal gift to support the continuing work and viability of the Museum.
You can donate by mailing a check, calling 732-252-6990, or online at www.jhmomc.org. Your gifts in any amount are deeply appreciated – it is your support that matters!
Thank you for your unwavering support over the years. Together, we can continue preserving and celebrating our shared history for generations.
With heartfelt appreciation,
Jessica Solomon,
Executive Director
Please use the button below to donate to the Annual Appeal. If you wish your gift to be restricted to one of the following categories, please indicate in the Purpose section on the next screen or just indicate Annual Appeal.